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A Mala is an ancient meditation tool similar to prayer beads. It is ideal for those who have a hard time staying focused during meditation because it is tangible. The materials it is made with can also provide additional healing benefits! It can be worn as a beautiful necklace or bracelet, although it is traditionally primarily used for meditation practices. 


Malas originated in India around the 8th century B.C.E.  Over two-thirds of the world's population use some type of counting beads as part of their spiritual practice. Mala beads are used in many other cultures and religions though are known by different names, such as prayer beads, rosary beads, and worry beads. 



  • Deepens meditation

  • Slows down respiration

  • Boosts concentration

  • Increases well-being

  • Heightens positive thought patterns

  • Helps to separate the Ego from the Higher Self

  • Redirects the mind from daily chatter

  • Offers a necessary moment of quiet solitude for yourself


Traditional Malas have 108 counting beads with knots tied by hand between each bead. The guru (teacher) bead is often larger than the other counting beads and provides a starting and ending point. A tassel is connected to the end of the guru bead to finish the Mala with a final knot. 


The number 108 has a very powerful significance in science and spirituality. According to Vedic cosmology, 108 is the basis of creation, and represents the universe and our existence. Hindu culture believes that outer cosmology should mirror our inner spirituality because our ultimate realization is that we are one and the same. The heart chakra is said to have 108 energy lines that converge to form this energy center. The Sun's diameter is 108 times larger than the diameter of the Earth, and the distance between the Sun and Earth is 108 times the Sun's diameter. There are 108 sacred holy sites in India, and 108 karma (acupressure-like) points on the body. 

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