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​ARROW Integrative Coaching LLC
Creating this special journal gave me a place to put the quotes I had mentally collected for years, the self-care strategies that have helped reclaim my health, an opportunity to dispel some common misconceptions about grief, and plenty of space for you to find healing through your own writing.
When sketching the cover art, I visualized the integration of the yin-yang symbol with the tree of life representing the balance of life and death, darkness and light, and how they need each other to exist.
Everyone's path down this road looks a little different, but if we can reach out a hand to those that follow, no one has to walk it alone. This is my hand reaching out to you.
Precious memories you want to remember
Vent your inner turmoil (try to always end these entries with something you're grateful for)
Anything left unsaid
The things you miss (and maybe things you don't miss)
Make a gratitude list (good to have on hand for those days when gratitude is elusive)
Use the quotes in the journal as writing prompts
Write a letter to your loved one
Create a prayer, affirmation, mantra, or poem (or write one you found that you love)
A compassionate letter to the 'before' you, the 'current' you, and/or the 'future' you
The thoughts that steal your sleep (keep the journal next to your bed)
Dreams that you still remember upon waking
Your 'whys' to keep pushing forward
Don't worry about it making sense, being in order, grammatically correct, etc. It's simply about healing.
A healthy coping strategy that offers a way to release thoughts and feelings that might be ruminating in your head;
Helps to sort out thoughts/feelings and can bring about insights you didn't even know were there;
Improves sleep, mood, confidence, mental and physical health, inspires creativity, and boosts memory;
A place to practice positive self-talk (when you're about to beat yourself up for something, try to catch it and instead offer yourself compassion and understanding like you would do for someone else that you love)
Words are powerful, and our inner dialogue has a direct effect on our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. Help yourself heal by using words of compassion and love- especially a time when you need it the most. Always remember (through either writing, thinking, speaking, living, etc.) to give yourself grace and compassion.
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