​ARROW Integrative Coaching LLC
Feedback from Past Participants
What were the most valuable aspects of this group experience for you?
"Listening to everyone's stories, memories, and experiences through their good, bad, and sad times."
"Listening to other's stories and how they are coping."
"Hearing the experiences of others who have been on this same journey that no one else understands. Also learning some coping mechanisms."
"That I'm not alone with my feelings and thoughts. It's good to be with others that know exactly what you're going through and that still have a life to live and be happy."
"Being with other widowed people - being able to share."
"Meeting new friends who understand what I am going through."
"Feeling like others really understand. Learning new ways to help with my healing and grieving."
What did you learn about "where you are" in your grief journey right now?
"That I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be - it's a process and I'm stronger emotionally than I thought."
"I learned that I am actually doing very well."
"I thought I was doing pretty well. I am, but I still had things to process that I didn't face."
"I've learned to love myself and enjoy life. It is different and lonely at times, but it's getting less frequent."
"It's okay right where I am."
"That there are many ups and downs and I have to be patient with myself."
"That it is always changing and that's okay."
What changes have you seen or experienced in yourself that you might be able to attribute at least partially to this group experience?
"Although I can't speak up as much as I'd like to about my experiences, I have been able to open up at times- something I couldn't do at all before."
"Having more confidence in myself."
"I don't feel as alone in this journey."
"I need to take better care of myself."
"Encouraged to journal - happier."
"I have more confidence that I can put myself out there more each day."
"More at peace with where I am in this grief journey."
What are some of your perceptions of the group leader and their style of leadership?
"You (Andrea) are one of us- you've shared your experiences and helped us to open up and share ours. You made everyone feel comfortable about talking about what was on our minds- pertaining to said subject or not."
"She was excellent. Being a widow herself she was very attuned into how everyone felt."
"You have been incredible. Your suggestions to help us on this path have been wonderful. You are a great communicator. I love your empathy and sharing."
"Very understanding and it's done in such an uplifting manner."
"Kind, patient, understanding - made me feel comfortable and accepted."
"She is friendly, loving, and knowledgeable."
"Love it! Very compassionate, open, heart felt and organized/well prepared."
Is there anything about this group and how it was conducted that you find yourself viewing negatively or you feel could use improvement?
"I like your approach- you are not pushy. You say/do what makes you feel comfortable. I liked everything about the group sessions. I can't thank you enough."
"Nothing negative."
"No. It was great."
"No! I've enjoyed this group so much. I will definitely miss the meetings."
If you could describe in a sentence or two what this group has meant to you, what would you say?
"​I would say that I appreciated that others had the same grief as I. It was revealing, and a step forward in my life. I was not alone. I will read the handouts again."
"Although I belong to other widow groups, this one gave me more grief counseling which was very nice."
"I have learned some coping skills and made some wonderful new friends. Just being able to discuss my feelings at losing my husband to those who feel the same loss was healing. They could really understand my journey."
"It has helped me understand my feelings are normal and I will be okay. Everyone is a great support and I hope we all stay in contact."
"One word - awesome. Helped me to move to my next chapter."
"It taught me that group therapy can be a good thing."
"This group has meant so much to me. I feel like I am truly taking steps forward and have some new ways to help me continue healing and have met wonderful people who get it."